Welcome to Mindful Badassery

Who? What? Why?

My name is Sonia Russell and I am a Mindful Badass.  I’m Co-Founder and CEO of Special Sauce, the developers of the BlackFULLness app, which focuses on stress reduction and healing Justice through mindfulness that is for and by Black people.  I am light weight obsessed with technology and have been since I helped plan the event where the Palm V was launched.  I've been an entrepreneur, working in high tech events for nearly 20 years after leaving my "dot com" job after a white boss told me I should be "dragged behind a truck".  

Mindfulness literally saved my life and I have used various mindfulness practices for almost 15 years including meditation, prayer, music, journaling, self care, hiking, dancing, archery and the list goes on and on.  

In 2009 I became a licensed  Spiritual Counselor and in 2021 received a degree in consciousness studies from the school of spiritual leadership, you can call me Rev. Sonia if you want. :-)

I am intentionally and consciously parenting a fierce and powerful daughter, and I have been a Black woman my entire life, so mindfulness in various forms is a deeply ingrained part of how I live and parent!  

I am called into the service of helping Black folks get their minds right, and I am all the way here for it, starting with the lives of my family and community, and I can’t wait to bring it to the world.

Ready to get ya mind right?

Start your free trial now by downloading from your preferred app store

  • Daily Affirmations

  • Culturally-relevant meditations

  • Sound healings + breathing exercises

  • Guiding Principles

  • Mood Check

  • Journaling